τBitcoin is a synthetic Bitcoin supported by some of the largest miners in the world. Implementing the τ protocol, τBitcoin shows superior capital efficiency and composability for DeFi uses.
τBitcoin is a synthetic Bitcoin supported by some of the largest miners in the world. Implementing the τ protocol, τBitcoin shows superior capital efficiency and composability for DeFi uses.
"path": "eip155:56/erc20:0x2cD1075682b0FCCaADd0Ca629e138E64015Ba11c",
"fileId": "dbdb53f5dfa1a3abce064c11f0285866898d31ffb29bf17934c5e0fa17092d70",
"modifiedDate": 1720903052023,
"type": "_erc20",
"fields": {
"title": "τBitcoin",
"description": "τBitcoin is a synthetic Bitcoin supported by some of the largest miners in the world. Implementing the τ protocol, τBitcoin shows superior capital efficiency and composability for DeFi uses.",
"caip2": "eip155:56",
"namespace": "erc20",
"symbol": "τBTC",
"decimals": 9,
"links": [
"name": "website",
"url": "https://btcst.finance/"
"name": "explorer",
"url": "https://bscscan.com/token/0x2cd1075682b0fccaadd0ca629e138e64015ba11c"
"name": "github",
"url": "https://github.com/Standard-Hashrate-Groupastronauttoken"
"name": "whitepaper",
"url": "https://www.btcst.finance/static/Tau-Whitepaper.pdf"
"images": [
"type": "icon",
"mime": "image/png",
"size": {
"width": 256,
"height": 256
"path": "079908e93ed27a4c9aecace7af8bc89c5e3201da5a51ccd4b77f48e34347a36f.png"
"html": "<h1>τBitcoin</h1>\n<p>τBitcoin is a synthetic Bitcoin supported by some of the largest miners in the world. Implementing the τ protocol, τBitcoin shows superior capital efficiency and composability for DeFi uses.</p>"